Meeting Abbreviations
O: Open Meeting
D: Discussion
NS: Non-smoking
BB: Big-Book Discussion
S: Speaker Meeting
HFC: Hope, Faith & Courage
12x12: 12x12 Step Study
T: Topic Discussion
Meeting Descriptions
Open: Attended by CA members, their families, friends and other interested people
Closed: Attendance is limited to CA members only.
Discussion: Participants discuss their experience, strength and hope with the meeting/group one member at a time
Big Book Discussion: Participants study and discuss from the Alcoholics Anonymous (The Big Book)
Speaker: One or more CA members share their personal experience, strength and hope with the meeting/group at length
Hope, Faith and Courage: Participants study and discuss from the Hope, Faith & Courage book. (The CA storybook.)
12 & 12 Step Study: Participants study and discuss the Twelve Steps
H & I Meetings: Meeting typically restricted to patients and residents only and are not open to the community as a whole. These meetings are brought into facilities by local CA members through the H & I Committee